Instrumental Analysis Service

The Instrumental Analysis Service of Medicinal Chemistry Institute is located at the Lora-Tamayo Organic Chemistry Centre. The service supports research in the Institute, in any other CSIC Centre, as well as in external private or public institutions.
The Service is focus on the use of instrumental analytical techniques for the study of organic compounds.



Waters analytical HPLC-MS, with the following modules included:

• Alliance e2695 HPLC
• 2998 Photodiode Array Detector (range: 190-800nm)
• Acquity QDa Single Quadrupole Mass Detector (range: 30-1250m/z)

The Service has two different columns in this equipment to work in reverse phase:
– Sunfire C18 2,1mm x 50mm (3,5µm)
– Atlantis T3 C18 2,1mm x 100mm (3µm)

Waters semipreparative HPLC-MS, with the following modules included:

• 2767 Sample Manager with Fraction collector
• 2545 Binary Gradient Module
• 515 HPLC Pump
• SFO System Fluidics Organizer
• 2998 Photodiode Array Detector (range: 190-800 nm)
• 3100 Single Quadrupole Mass Detector (range: 5-2000m/z)
• Electrospray ionization system

This equipment allows the separation, isolation and purification of compounds of interest.

The Service has three different columns in reverse phase:
– Sunfire C18 4,6mm x 50mm (3,5µm)
– Sunfire C18 4,6mm x 150mm (5µm)
– Sunfire C18 OBD Prep 19mm x 150mm (5µm)

Potentiometer with titration Sirius T3 (Pion)
With the combination of automated potentiometric and UV-spectroscopic titration, the purpose of the Sirius T3 instrument and software is to measure:

• pKa Ionisation constant
• logP Partition coefficient octanol/water
• logD Distribution coefficient (lipophilicity)
• Kinetic and intrinsic solubility

Multiskan Spectrum Spectrophotometer:

Spectrophotometer that measures kinetic and end point absorbance, in the range of the UV/Vis/NIR of solutions in cuvettes or a (6 to 384) well plate. It is equipped with a shaker and an incubator.

It is a plate reader with monochromators, filters and ultrafast spectrophotometer UV/Vis for carrying out the following essays:
• Luminiscence
• Fluorescence
• UV/Visible Absorbance


Should you be interested in any of the instrumental analysis that we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Inmaculada Espejel Muñoz                               Research Assistant
Laura Peláez Aguado                                       Research Assistant
Tomás Robredo Buces                                     Research Assistant


Phone number: +34 912587483 (Direct) / +34 915622900 Ext. 443327


Scientific Manager: Ph D. Fernando Herranz Rabanal





Solicitud HPLC-MS analítico.

Solicitud ensayo potenciométrico pKa, log P y solubilidad (Sirius T3).

Solicitud purificación por HPLC-MS semipreparativo.

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