Contest “Cómic Covid-19”

Amarillo Salpicadura Niños Logotipo


CATEGORY 11-14 years

First prize ex aequo:

Jimena Sánchez Martín (I.E.S. Peñas Negras; Mora, Toledo)

Esther Valero Perona (I.E.S. Fernando de los Rios;  Quintanar del Rey, Cuenca)

Second prize ex aequo:

Unai Cabornero Sánchez de Castro (I.E.S. Peñas Negras; Mora, Toledo)

Lucía Menéndez Rollán (E.I.P. Teresa Berganza; Boadilla del Monte, Madrid)

CATEGORY 15-17 years

First prize ex aequo:

Celia Ortiz Buzara (I.E.S. Pintor Antonio López; Tres Cantos, Madrid)

Sergio Peñarrubia García (E.A. Cruz Novillo; Cuenca)

Second prize:

Allison Estenos Rondón (I.E.S. Los Sauces; Villares del Saz, Cuenca)


Here you can see the comics of the winners.

Participation in the “El Covid-19 en Cómic” contest is open to students enrolled in educational centers in the Community of Madrid and neighboring provinces (Cuenca, Guadalajara, Segovia, Ávila and Toledo) aged between 11 and 17 years.

This is a completely free activity and you can participate individually.

It is a project that aims to bring Science, and more specifically research and the knowledge it generates, closer to young students, making them reflect and develop their creativity and imagination.

The contest is related to the most topical issue that is the Covid-19 virus.


The contest consists of making a comic where the participants will have to explain through the vignettes what Covid-19 is and how its transmission can be reduced. The way to make the comic is completely free, although a series of templates will be provided on the web that participants can use if they consider necessary.

The comic will be made individually and by hand, it will have a maximum length of 2 sheets. It will be sent by email together with the signed authorization of the parents or guardians to the following email address:

There will be two categories in this contest:
  • First category from 11 to 14 years.
  • Second category from 15 to 17 years.

There will be two winners for each category. The prizes will consist of gift cards valued at €200 and €150, corresponding to the first and second prizes in each category.

As they are minor students, their participation must be approved by their parents or legal guardians. Therefore, along with the comic that has been made for the contest, the authorization signed by the parents or legal guardians that is available on the web must be sent.


Submission of authorization and the comic: The term for the submission of both the authorization and the Comic will begin on November 2, 2021 and end on December 12, 2021 (both inclusive).

Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will take place on December 17, 2021, the details of this delivery will be communicated later in order to adapt to the health situation.

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