
Paula Morales obtained her degree in Chemistry from the University of Castilla-La Mancha in June 2009. During her degree she did a short stay of six months at the University of Pittsburgh (USA). In 2010 she joined the group and she is currently working on her PhD on the synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new cannabinoid ligands under the supervision of Dr. Nadine Jagerovic. In 2011, she obtained her Master´s degree in Organic Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid. From May to September 2012 she did a short predoctoral stay in the computational chemistry group of Prof. Patricia H. Reggio in the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA) in order to perform docking studies in the CB1, CB2 and GPR55 receptor models.

Paula Morales Lázaro

Tel. 0034 912587488

Vanesa Redondo Garrosa obtained her degree in Chemistry from the University of Salamanca in September 2014. In June 2013 she carried out an internship in the Inorganic Chemistry department of the University of Salamanca, where she prepared a petrochemical catalyst (ZSM-5) and a platinum complex to determine its interaction with nanoparticles. Currently she is studying her Master’s degree on Organic Chemistry (University Complutense of Madrid), performing her Master’s project in the group of Cannabinoid and PPAR Receptor Modulators of the Instituto de Química Médica of CSIC.


Vanesa Redondo Garrosa

Tel. 0034 912587488

José Luis González Alfonso obtained his degree in Chemistry from the University of Oviedo in 2015. He was carrying out an internship in organic chemistry, studying the use of L-proline as catalyst and working on the synthesis of chiral organocatalysts. Moreover, he was researching on the use of samarium salts for dehalogenation of dibromoalkenes. He was granted with a fellowship for studying the synthesis and functionalization of nanoparticles. Currently he is studying his Master’s degree on Organic Chemistry (University Complutense of Madrid), performing his Master’s project in the group of Cannabinoid and PPAR Receptor Modulators of the Instituto de Química Médica of CSIC.


José Luis González Alfonso

Tel. 0034 912587488

Laura Figuerola Asencio obtained her degree in Chemistry from the University Complutense of Madrid in 2015. She carried out her degree’s project in the Group of Optical Chemical Sensors and Applied Photochemistry (GSOLFA) of the University Complutense of Madrid. In 2014 she carried out an internship in the Center of Biotechnology and Genomics of Plants (CBGP) of INIA-UPM. In September 2015 she began her Marter’s degree on Drug Discovery. Currently she is performing her Master’s project in the group of Cannabinoid and PPAR Receptor Modulators of the Instituto de Química Médica of CSIC, working on the synthesis and biological evaluation of novel cannabinoid ligands.


Laura Figuerola Asencio


Tel. 0034 912587488

Ana Lago Fernández obtained her degree in 2010 as Laboratory Technician in Analysis and Quality Control by the IES Padre Isla (León), performing her degree’s project between April and June 2010 in the Laboratory of Cyanobacteria of the Instituto Biomar (León). From March to June 2011 she was granted with a scholarship FGULEM In the Institute of Biomedicine (IBIOMED) of the University of León. Later, she obtained her degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona) in 2015. From February to May 2015 she carried out her degree’s project in the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of País Vasco (project title: Effect of Pertussis Toxin on (±)DOI-induced Hallucinogenic-Like Behaviour in Mice. Serotonin 5-HT2A Receptor Coupling to Inhibitory G Proteins). From May 2016 she is working in the group of Cannabinoid and PPAR Receptor Modulators of the Instituto de Química Médica of CSIC.


Ana Lago Fernández

Tel. 0034 912587488