IV SEQT Young Researchers Symposium 2017

IV SEQT Young Researchers Symposium 2017

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Following the success of previous editions, the Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica (SEQT) has launched “The IV SEQT Young Researchers Symposium 2017”.

On 19th June this event will take place in the Parc Científic de Barcelona and it is organized by a group of young researchers from the Instituto de Química Médica of the CSIC and the Universitat de Barcelona. The main objective of this meeting is to enable students from masters, doctoral and postdoctoral programs to meet, share experiences and disseminate their research work in a relaxed atmosphere that encourages participation.

Abstract submission deadline: 21st April 2017
Registration form deadline: 28th April 2017
For further information: http://www.seqt.org/es/eventos/symposium-jovenes/

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